case class TwoVariableQuadraticFunction(minimum: CostingInteger, c00: CostingInteger, c10: CostingInteger, c01: CostingInteger, c20: CostingInteger, c11: CostingInteger, c02: CostingInteger)
c00 + c10x + c01y + c20x^2 + c11cy + c02y^2
- Note
Minimum values for two-variable quadratic costing functions. Unlike most of our other costing functions our use cases for two-variable quadratic costing functions may require one or more negative coefficients, so there's a danger that we could return a negative cost. This is unlikely, but we make certain that it never happens by returning a result that is at never smaller than a minimum value that is stored along with the coefficients of the function.
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializabletrait Producttrait Equalsclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
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