
object EtaReduce

Performs eta-reduction on a term.


See also
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(term: Term): Term

Eta-reduces a term

Eta-reduces a term


See also
def etaReduce(term: Term): Term

Performs eta-reduction on a term.

Performs eta-reduction on a term.

Eta-reduction is the process of removing redundant lambda abstractions from a term. For example, the term λx. f x can be eta-reduced to f but only if

  • x is not free in f
  • f is pure expression

A term is pure if it does not contain any side effects, such as Error, Force or saturated builtin applications.

  • Error is not pure because it halts the computation.
  • Force is not pure because it can halt the evaluation if the argument is not a Delayed term or a builtin that must be forced.
  • a saturated builtin application is not pure because it can halt the evaluation in some cases. For example, DivideInteger(1, 0) will halt the evaluation.

A builtin application is saturated if it has all its arguments applied. For example, AddInteger(1, 2) is saturated but AddInteger(1) is not.


See also
def freeNames(term: Term): Set[String]

Returns the set of free names in a term

Returns the set of free names in a term
